An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary educational institutions

Funding year: 
1 year
University of Waikato
Post school sector
Project start date: 
January 2008
Project end date: 
January 2009
Principal investigator(s): 
Richard Coll
Research team members: 
Chris Eames, Levinia Paku, Mark Lay, Diana Ayling, Dave Hodges, Shiu Ram, Ravi Bhat, Jenny Fleming, Lesley Ferkins, Cindy Wiersma, and Andrew Martin
Research partners: 
AUT, Massey University, Unitec, New Zealand Association of Cooperative Education, and the University of Waikato

Project Description

Work-integrated learning or co-operative education is an educational strategy in which students undertake conventional academic learning at a higher educational institution combined with some time spent in a workplace relevant to their programme of study and career aims (Groenewald, 2004).

A key aspect of work-integrated learning is the notion that it entails the integration of knowledge and skills gained in the higher education institution and in the workplace. This has two features—the student takes what he or she has learnt on campus into the workplace when going on a work placement, and likewise what they learn in the workplace becomes related to, or incorporated into, the next phase of academic learning when the student returns to study after completing a work placement.

Research question

This TLRI project focused on learning in work-integrated learning programmes in higher education institutions. We sought to investigate the question: What pedagogical approaches are used in New Zealand work-integrated learning/co-operative education programmes in terms of integration of student knowledge, and what impact do these have on student learning?

Project Contact

Professor  Richard Coll 
Science and Engineering
University of Waikato
Email:[email protected]