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Project Description
This project investigated the experiences of under-3-year-olds and teachers’ practices in New Zealand kindergartens. Historically, kindergartens have provided an early childhood environment for 3–5-year-olds. As enrolments and waiting lists have dropped, kindergartens have opened their door to children under three years of age, taking them into an environment that was often structured for older children in a larger group setting.
We worked alongside kindergarten teachers to explore the impact of this change on 2-year olds’ learning experiences, and on teachers’ practices generally. Together we identified factors that supported best practices for 2-year-olds, and macro-level factors that influence teachers’ ability to provide positive learning experiences for children.
Project Outputs
Duncan, J., Dalli, C., & Lawrence, J. (2007). The changing face of kindergarten: A national picture of two-year-olds in kindergartens. New Zealand Annual Review of Education, 16:2006, 119-140.
Dalli, C. (2017). Tensions and challenges in Professional Practice with under-threes: A New Zealand reflection on early childhood professionalism as a systemic phenomenon. In E.J. White & C. Dalli (Eds). Policy and Pedagogy with under-three-year olds. (pp. 115-129). Dordrecht. Springer.
Duncan, J. & Dalli, C. (2004). Toddlers in kindergarten: Expectations and experiences. New Zealand Early Childhood Research Annual Symposium, Wellington, 23 November.
Duncan, J. (2009). "If you think they can do - then they can". Two-year-olds in Aotearoa New Zealand kindergartens and changing professional perspectives. In D. Berthelsen, J. Brownlee and E. Johansson. (eds). Participatory learning in the early years: Research and pedagogy, (pp. 164-184). New York, Routledge.
Duncan, J. (2009) Two year-olds in kindergarten: becoming a "kindy kid", Paper prepared for the Ministry of Education. Available:
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Duncan, J. (2009, July). Working with two year olds in mixed-age settings. Workshop with teachers from the University of Canterbury’s early childhood centres.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Duncan, J. (2007, March). Two year olds in New Zealand kindergartens – Children’s experiences and teachers’ practices. Presentation to the Central North Island Kindergarten Association Head Teacher Hui, Putaruru, N.Z
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Duncan, J., Dalli, C., McCormack, P., Taita, J., Butcher, M., Montgomery, H., & Sherburd, R. (2005). Under three-year-olds in kindergarten. Paper presented at the annual conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE), Dunedin, 6-9 December
Duncan, J., with Dalli, C. Bowden, C. Kain, K. Duncan, H., McCutcheon, Simenaur, R., & Tuhega, J. (2005). Two year olds in New Zealand Kindergartens - what are they doing there? Paper presented at the Sixth Children and Family: Children's Issues Centre Conference, 7 July 2005.
Duncan, J., & Dalli, C. (2006). Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: Children's experiences and teachers' practices. Summary. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 85.6 KB
Duncan, J., & Dalli, C. (2006). Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: Children's experiences and teachers' practices. Final Report Part A. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 572.55 KB
Duncan, J., & Dalli, C. (2006). Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: Children's experiences and teachers' practices. Final Report Part B. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 250.12 KB
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