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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › ECE sector › Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learningTitiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning
Project Description
This study focused on global issues of ecological sustainability in a variety of local early childhood education contexts, drawing from both kaupapa Māori and Western perspectives. Ecological sustainability as a teaching and learning issue (Gruenewald, 2003) was, within this project, philosophically grounded in an ethic of care (Martin, 2007; Noddings, 2005) and an ethics of place (Smith, 2001), with a particular focus on respect for Papatūānuku, the Earth Mother (Marsden, 2003). The teachers, tamariki and whānau of 10 early childhood centres from across Aotearoa New Zealand participated in the project.
Project Outputs
Rau, C., & Ritchie, J. (2014). Ki te whai ao, ki te ao marama: Early childhood understandings in pursuit of social, cultural, and ecological Justice. In M. N. Bloch, B. B. Swadener & G. S. Cannella (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early childhood care and education. Critical questions, new imaginaries and social activism: A reader. New York: Peter Lang.
Ritchie, J., & Skerrett, M. (2014). Early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Ritchie, J., Craw, J., Rau, C., & Duhn, I. (2013). Ko koe ki tēnā, ko ahau ki tēnei kīwai o te kete: Exploring collaboration across a range of recent early childhood studies. In J. Duncan & L. Connor (Eds.), Research partnerships in early childhood education. Teachers and researchers in collaboration (pp. 93-113). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Indigenous onto-epistemologies and pedagogies of care and affect in Aotearoa. Global Studies of Childhood, 3(4), 395-406
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2013). Renarrativizing Indigenous rights-based provision within "mainstream" early childhood services. In B. B. Swadener, L. Lundy, J. Habashi & N. Blanchet-Cohen (Eds.), Children's rights and education. International perspectives (pp. 133-149). New York: Peter Lang.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Hanging on to hope in troubled times. Ethics of care as foundation for pedagogies of relationality. Early Education, 54(Spring/Summer), 23-29.
Ritchie, J. (2013). A pedagogy of biocentric relationality. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 48(1), 34-49.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Sustainability and children's inter-relationality with nature. In A. Grey & B. Clark (Eds.), Ngā hurihanga ako kōhungahunga. Transformative teaching practices in early childhood education (pp. 107-116). Auckland: Pearson.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Te Whāriki and the promise of early childhood care and education grounded in a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. In J. Nuttall (Ed.), Weaving Te Whāriki (2nd ed.) (pp. 141-156). Wellington: NZCER Press.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Sustainability and relationality within early childhood care and education settings in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Early Childhood, 44(3), DOI 10.1007/s13158-13013-10079-13150.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2012). Exploring possibilities for critical relational de/colonising methodologies in early childhood education contexts in Aotearoa. In G. S. Cannella & S. R. Steinberg (Eds.), Critical Qualitative Research (CQR) Reader (pp. 536-547). New York: Peter Lang.
Ritchie, J. (2012). Titiro whakamuri, hoki whakamua: Respectful integration of Māori perspectives within early childhood environmental education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 17, 62-79.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Mackey, G., & Ritchie, J. (2012). Pedagogies for sustainabilities in early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Paper presented at the Seventh Biennial Meeting of the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions associated with the UNESCO Chair on Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability, York University, Toronto, Canada, 16-20 May.
Ritchie, J. (2012a). Caring for ourselves, others and the Environment: Provocations arising from a recent study in Aotearoa. Paper presented at the Enviroschools Kindergartens Hui, Fickling Centre, Auckland, April 19.
Ritchie, J. (2012). A counter-colonial pedagogy of affect in early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Paper presented at the Joint Australian Association for Research in Education, Asia Pacific Research Association & World Research Association Conference, University of Sydney, Dec 2-6.
Ritchie, J. (2012). Early childhood education as a site of ecocentric counter-colonial endeavour in Aotearoa New Zealand. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 13(2), 86-98.
Ritchie, J. (2012). Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi. Early childhood care and education settings as sites of community endeavour. Paper presented at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education, Novotel, Hamilton, November 28-30
Ritchie, J. (2012). Recognising the role of high quality early childhood care and education in engaging tamariki/whānau in wellbeing advocacy. Paper presented at the Public Health Association Conference. Equity from the start – valuing our children, Victoria University of Wellington, 3-5 September.
Ritchie, J. (2012). 'Titiro whakamuri, hoki whakamua'. A research project in early childhood education in Aotearoa. Paper presented at the Changing course for a sustainable world. The 6th New Zealand Association of Environmental Education Biennial Conference, Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand, January 17-20.
Ritchie, J. (2012). Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Auckland Kindergarten Teachers Hui, Mt Albert Kindergarten, Auckland, June 11.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Caring for Ourselves, Others, and the Environment: Applying an Indigenous Paradigm in Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa, New Zealand. In J. Lin & R. Oxford (Eds.), Transformative Eco-Education for Human and Planetary Survival (pp. 239-253). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Ecological counter-narratives of interdependent wellbeing. International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, 9(1), 50-61.
Rau, C., & Ritchie, J. Ahakoa he iti. (2011). Early childhood pedagogies affirming of Māori children's rights to their culture. Early Education and Development, 22(5), 795-817.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Ritchie, J. (2011). Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning. Paper presented at a plenary session of the Teaching for Sustainability Conference 2011, Mō Āpōpō. Victoria University of Wellington, November 25-27.
Ritchie, J. (2011). “Caring for ourselves, others and the Environment: A recent study in Aotearoa New Zealand”. Presentation to 2nd Transnational Dialogues in research in early childhood education for sustainability, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 13-15 July, 2011.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Caring for ourselves, others and the environment: Provocations arising from a recent study in Aotearoa. Keynote presentation to the 'Sustainability in ECE Aotearoa', Tauranga Regional Free Kindergarten Association Conference, Tauranga, 28-29 July.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Hanging on to hope in troubled times: Ethics of care as foundation for pedagogies of relationality. (Keynote presentation). Paper presented at the NZARE Early Childhood Education Special Interest Group Research Hui, NZARE, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Windermere Campus, Tauranga, November 28.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Fostering relationality as a pedagogy of hope. Plenary presentation. Paper presented at a plenary session of the 19th Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education Conference, Politics of Care: Sharing Knowledges, Love and Solidarity. University of East London, 25th – 29th October.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Educator Dispositions for Tiriti-based, Culturally Responsive Praxis. Keynote presentation to the Kiddicorp Regional Conference, Wellington, August 6.
Ritchie, J., & Mackey, G. (2011). Early Childhood Education for Sustainability in Aotearoa New Zealand. Children making a difference within early childhood education communities. Paper presented at a plenary session of the Teaching for Sustainability Conference 2011, Mō Āpōpō. Victoria University of Wellington, November 25-27.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Kaitiakitanga in early childhood care and education. Sustainability practices informed by kaupapa Māori . Workshop presented at the Teaching for Sustainability Conference 2011, Mō Āpōpō. Victoria University of Wellington, November 25-27.
Mackey, G., & Ritchie, J. (2011) “Education for Sustainability in Aotearoa New Zealand”, Presentation to 2nd Transnational Dialogues in research in early childhood education for sustainability, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 13-15 July, 2011.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2011). Counter-colonial renarrativisation. A Perspective from Aotearoa. Invited guest lecture. Presentation to Graduate Students, University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 16.
Ritchie, J. (2011). Reflexivity and relationality in researcher/teacher dynamics in early childhood education research in Aotearoa. Paper presented at NZARE, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Windermere Campus, Tauranga, Nov 29- Dec 1.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2010). Poipoia te tamaiti kia ta tangata. The first years: Ng? Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, 12(1), 16-22
.Ritchie, J. (2010). Ma wai he kapu ti?: Being, knowing, and doing otherwise in early childhood education in Aotearoa. In M. O'Loughlin & R. T. Johnson (Eds.), Imagining children otherwise. Theoretical and critical perspectives on childhood subjectivity (pp. 29-47). New York: Peter Lang.
Ritchie, J. (2010). Fostering Communities. Ecological sustainability within early childhood education. Early Education 47, winter, 10-14
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2010). Kia mau ki te wairuatanga: Counter-colonial narratives of early childhood education in Aotearoa. In G. S. Cannella & L. D. Soto (Eds.), Childhoods: A Handbook. (pp. 365-374). New York: Peter Lang.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Ritchie, J. (2010). Notions of well-being and interdependence embedded within ecologically sustainable early childhood pedagogies in Aotearoa. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, April 30-May 4.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2010). Kia mau ki te wairuatanga: Counter-colonial narratives of early childhood education in Aotearoa. In G. S. Cannella & L. D. Soto (Eds.), Childhoods: A Handbook. (pp. 365-374). New York: Peter Lang.
Ritchie, J. (2009). Bicultural Journeying in Aotearoa. In D. Caracciolo & A. M. Mungai (Eds.), In the Spirit of Ubuntu. Stories of Teaching and Research (pp. 135-146). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2009). Ma wai ng? hua? ‘Participation’ in Early Childhood in Aotearoa/New Zealand. International Critical Childhood Policy Studies, 2(1), 93-108.
Sadikeen, R., & Ritchie, J. (2009). Researching Tiriti based pratice. Early Education, 45(Winter), 6-10.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Ritchie, J. (2009). Narratives of relatedness in ecological sustainability in early childhood education in Aotearoa. Refereed Conference Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education, (CD-Rom ed.). Rotorua, Dec 1-4.
Ritchie, J. (2009). Bicultural Journeying in Aotearoa. In D. Caracciolo & A. M. Mungai (Eds.), In the Spirit of Ubuntu. Stories of Teaching and Research (pp. 135-146). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2009). Ma wai ng? hua? ‘Participation’ in Early Childhood in Aotearoa/New Zealand. International Critical Childhood Policy Studies, 2(1), 93-108.
Sadikeen, R., & Ritchie, J. (2009). Researching Tiriti based pratice. Early Education, 45(Winter), 6-10.
Ritchie, J. (2009). He Taonga Te Reo: Honouring te reo me ona tikanga , the Maori language and culture, within early childhood education in Aotearoa. In May, S., (Ed.), LED2007: Refereed Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity. Hamilton: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, (CD-Rom ed.), University of Waikato.
Ritchie, J. (2009). Bicultural Journeying in Aotearoa. Paper presented at The Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2009). Advancing Human Rights Through Qualitative Research, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 20-23.
Ritchie, J. (2008). Honouring Maori Subjectivities within Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 9(3), 202-210.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Ritchie, J. (2008). Enacting Tiriti-based practice in early childhood education in Aotearoa. Paper presented at the Teacher Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand (TEFANZ). Te Rauika Titohu Kaiako o Aotearoa. Biennial National Conference. Refereed Conference Proceedings. (CD-Rom ed.), University of Waikato, Hamilton.
Ritchie, J., Duhn, I., Rau, C., & Craw, J. (2010). Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning. Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 69.31 KB
Ritchie, J., Duhn, I., Rau, C., & Craw, J. (2010). Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning. Final Report Wellington: Teaching and Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 2.34 MB