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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › Post school sector › "Bootstrapping" statistical inferential reasoning"Bootstrapping" statistical inferential reasoning
Project Description
This project was a 2-year collaboration among three statisticians, two researchers, 16 Year 13 teachers, seven university lecturers, one workplace practitioner, three teacher professional development facilitators, and one quality assurance advisor. The project team designed innovative computer-based approaches to develop students’ inferential reasoning and sought evidence that these innovations were effective in developing students’ understanding of statistical inference.
Key Findings
The bootstrapping and randomisation methods using dynamic visualisations especially designed to enhance conceptual understanding have the potential to transform the learning of statistical inference.
Student knowledge about statistical inference is predicated on development of chance argumentation and appreciating the necessity of precise verbalisations.
- Within the statistical inference arena, students’ conceptualisation of inferential argumentation requires a restructuring of their reasoning processes.
Project Contact
Dr Maxine Pfannkuch
Department of Statistics
Auckland University
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
Email:[email protected]
Project Outputs
Budgett, S., Pfannkuch, M., Regan, M., & Wild, C.J. Dynamic visualizations and the randomization test. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education (accepted).
Pfannkuch, M., Wild, C.J., & Parsonage, R. (2012). A conceptual pathway to confidence intervals. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 44(7), 899-911. DOI 10.1007/s11858-012-0446-6.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation).Royal Statistical Society, London, 21 March 2012
Wild, C. (2012) Seeing is believing. Invitation-only conference of the British Academy called “Quantitative Skills: Learning Lessons from Overseas”, London, 26 March
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation). Economic and Social Research Council of the UK entitled “How to teach introductory level QM effectively?” Royal Statistical Society in London, 27-28 March
Fitch, M. (2012) Workshop on Randomisation Inference .Auckland Mathematics Association Saturday Morning, 31 March 2012, St Peters College, Auckland.
Wild, C. (2012). Census At School and Statistical Education in NZ. Board of Statistics New Zealand, Wellington, 19 April 2012
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation).Official Statistics System Seminar Series, Statistics New Zealand, Wellington, 20 April
Passmore, R (2012) workshops on bootstrapping and randomization. Saint Kentigern College Mathematics Department Teachers, 6 June.
Marshall, N. (2012)Workshop on bootstrapping and randomization. Diocesan School for Girls Year 12 teachers, 11 June.
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation).2012 Census At School International Workshop in San Diego, USA, 2-3 August
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation).University of New Brunswick, Canada, 17 September.
Wild, C. (2012) Lectures on bootstrapping and randomisation. Fredericton High School and Leo Hayes High School senior students and teachers, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 18 September.
C. Wild (2012).Envisaging inference. The Priestman Memorial Lectures 2. University of New Brunswick Faculty of Science, Canada, 19 September
Chapman, J. (2012) Workshops Invercargill Teacher Meeting, 26 September 2012 (20 teachers)
Chapman, J. (2012) Workshops Dunedin Teacher Meeting, 28 September 2012 (30 teachers)
Chapman, J. (2012) Workshops Wanaka School Teacher Meeting, 8 October 2012 (6 teachers)
Kaniuk, R. (2012) Workshops Lynfield College Teacher Meeting, October 2012
Passmore, R. (2012) Workshops Northland Mathematics Association, Whangarei, 13 October 2012
Wild, C. (2012) Workshop on iNZight and VIT (bootstrapping and randomisation).University of Melbourne Lecturers, 24 October, 2012
Ellwood, J., Passmore, R. (2012) Workshops. Bay Of Plenty Mathematics Association Teacher Meeting, Tauranga, 8 November 2012
Pfannkuch, M. (2012). Some Insights into Year 13 Statistics. Waikato Mathematics Association AGM, Fraser High School, Hamilton, 15 November 2012 (40 teachers)
Ellwood, J. (2012) Workshops. Tauranga Teacher Meeting, 15 November 2012
Dalrymple, M.. (2012) Workshops. Nelson Teacher Meeting, 16 November 2012 (20 teachers)
Wright, S. (2012) Workshops. Mt Roskill Grammar School Meeting, November 2012 (13 teachers)
Hamblyn, C.. (2012) Workshops. St Dominics College Teacher Meeting, November 2012
Marshell, N. (2012) Workshops. Diocesan School for Girls Mathematics Department Meeting, November, 2012
Forbes, S.(2012). The changing school statistics curriculum: where we’ve been and where we’re going. Auckland Mathematics Association Statistics Teachers Day, Tamaki Campus, Auckland, 22 November 2012 (350 teachers)
Wild, C. (2012). Changing Needs in a Changing World. Auckland Mathematics Association Statistics Teachers Day, Tamaki Campus, Auckland, 22 November 2012 (350 teachers)
- Workshops presented by: J. Cumming, M. Fitch, J. Ellwood, B. Blake, M. Dalrymple, C. Spurdle, T. Stanton, S. Wright, N. Marshall, D. Rose, R. Parsonage, S. Budgett, J. Saunders, A. Martin.
See this CensusAtSchool website for resources, slides, recorded talks:
Ellwood, J. (2012) Workshops. Bay of Plenty Mathematics Association Teachers Day, Tauranga, 23 November 2012
Wild, C., and Pfankurch, M. (2012) Changing Needs in a Changing World. Canterbury Mathematics Association Statistics Teachers Day, Canterbury University, Christchurch, 27 November (120 teachers)
- Workshops presented by: R. Passmore, R. Kaniuk, J. Cumming, M. Fitch, M. Dalrymple, S. Budgett, D. Rose, A. Martin Wild, C., and Pfankurch, M. (2012) Changing Needs in a Changing World. (2012). Otago Mathematics Association Statistics Teachers Day, Otago University, Dunedin, 28 November (110 teachers)
Wild, C., (2012) Changing Needs in a Changing World. Wellington Mathematics Association Statistics Teachers Day, Wellington Girls College, Wellington, 1 December (100 teachers)
- Workshops presented by: R. Passmore, R. Kaniuk, J. Cumming, M. Fitch, M. Dalrymple, S. Budgett, D. Rose, A. Martin
Pfannkuch, M., Regan, M., Wild, C.J., Budgett, S., Forbes, S., Harraway, J., & Parsonage, R. (2011). Inference and the introductory statistics course. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42(7), 903-913.
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Statistics Teachers Day, 23 November 2011, Tamaki Campus, Auckland (280 teachers)
- Sixteen workshops to 280 teachers on Randomisation and Bootstrapping inference. (Presenters: R. Parsonage, M. Dalrymple, A. Lawrence, C. Spurdle, J. Cumming, M. Fitch, B. Blake, P. Arnold, J. Saunders, S. Wright, J. Chapman, M. Pfannkuch, J. Ellwood, T. Stanton, S. Budgett, R. Kaniuk, D. Rose, N. Marshall, R. Passmore).
- Guest Talk: C. Wild (Star Trek Inference Tour: From taking samples to bootstrap and randomisation inference at light speed)
Stanton, T. (2011) Workshop on bootstrapping and randomisation. Rutherford High School Year 13 teachers, November
Chapman, J. (2011) Talk on bootstrapping and randomisation. Otago Mathematics Association, Otago Boys High School, Dunedin, 29 November 2011, 4-6pm.
Dalrymple, M. (2011) A brief introduction to bootstrapping and randomization. Canterbury Mathematics Association, Christchurch, 1 December