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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › School sector › Developing teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary schoolDeveloping teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary school
Funding year:
2 years
Education Associates
School sector
Project start date:
January 2006
Project end date:
January 2008
Principal investigator(s):
Trevor McDonald
Research team members:
Christina Thornley
Research partners:
Teulia Consultancies, Auckland SDA High School, Roxburgh Area School, and Waitaki Girls’ High School
Research Description
Developing Teacher–Researcher Partnerships to Investigate Best Practices: Literacy Learning and Teaching in Content Areas of the Secondary School was a Teaching and Learning Research Initiative project undertaken as a partnership between Auckland Seventh Day Adventist High School, Education Associates Ltd, Roxburgh Area School, Teuila Consultancy, and Waitaki Girls’ High School. During the two-year project, the partnership members in each school developed, trialled, and researched a range of literacy pedagogical approaches to determine their efficacy in improving learning and achievement for Year 9, 10, and 11 secondary school students.
McDonald, T., & Thornley, C. (2008). Developing teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary school. Summary. Wellington. Teaching Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 51.65 KB
McDonald, T., & Thornley, C. (2008). Developing teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary school. Final Report. Wellington. Teaching Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 536.21 KB